If you want to know who you really are…ask the people who know you

I’ve worked with, and indeed for, lots of great people over the years. So I asked them to give an honest assessment of what they thought about working with me was really like

[All content is unedited]

‘Working with Andy is always an absolute joy. He has the perfect balance of strong strategic ability coupled with a huge dose of natural creative flair. His way with words is both remarkable and unique. He loves what he does and has this infectious energy and passion that is wonderful to be around. He is never one to shy away from difficult or challenging debates and decisions, and will push those around him to ensure that the work delivered is to the highest standard. He treats everyone with respect and decency and is full to the brim with integrity; he is an all-round super person and someone I have learnt a lot from both personally and professionally over many years.’

Susie Mitchell – Director, Florence & James Marketing Consultancy (ex-Brand Communication Manager VW, Senior Brand Manager Subaru, Marketing Manager DSC, Senior Marketing Manager Caffe Nero, Grange Advertising, Interfocus, Mr Smith)

‘It was my pleasure to work with Andy Tyne for several years when he was the group account director first at Interfocus and then at Mr Smith. Andy delivers all the professional qualities you would hope for in such a role: marketing knowledge, business acumen, diplomacy and tireless advocacy on behalf of the customer. You can count on Andy to be extremely responsive, rigorous, knowledgeable, enthusiastic and proactive in his account management. Throughout I was exposed to Andy’s witty and excellent writing skills, initially in the form of contact reports and presentations and latterly in powerful creative work where he was the copywriter. Andy and I share an obsession with correct grammar and punctuation, although I bow to his superior knowledge in both areas. Anyone who knows Andy would, I’m sure, agree with these comments but note the absence of two additional characteristics: his irrepressible optimism and keen sense of humour. These two mean that while Andy never forgets the ultimate criteria is to deliver business results, he makes the journey on the way immensely enjoyable and rewarding.’’

Rhett Ewer – European Partner Communications and Online Experience, Xerox Office

I’ve worked with Andy for many years. Initially as one of his clients when I worked for Panasonic, and more recently he’s been a trusted advisor to my own business. As the agency account director, Andy was known for his approachability and honesty. He wouldn’t always tell you what you wanted to hear, but what he believed to be true. These weren’t off-the-cuff comments, but carefully considered positions born from experience. In addition, Andy’s grammatical skills mean that you can be sure that anything he writes, or checks, for you will be accurate – an essential skill given the importance of the written word in the digital age. Finally, he owes me about 4 bottles of beer.

David Bonney – Marketing, Branding and Media Consultant (ex-Marketing and Partnership Manager, Panasonic UK)

‘Andy always brings solutions to the table and has a calm, confident, can-do approach to his work. His ability to uncover the big commercial picture, distil the facts and deliver targeted creative communications resonates positively with clients and colleagues alike. He has the unique ability to be wholly professional while injecting his friendly and humorous side, making working with him a total pleasure. One of the few gentlemen of this business, one you can put your trust in to get the job done well’

Ronnie Wishart – Senior Conceptual Copywriter at Ogilvy One (ex-Interfocus/Mr Smith, JWT, Euro RSCG Wnek Gosper)

‘I worked with Andy over a number of years on a variety of key projects for Xerox. It’s hard to think of someone with a more professional approach to his work, always determined to work towards the best outcome. This holds true even when it means challenging assumptions or undertaking further research or indeed whatever it takes to ensure the right approach and result, irrespective of what the easier path may be. Andy is certainly able to interpret (sometimes vague) client requirements into sharp briefs and then work tirelessly with planning and creative teams to ensure that the brief is driven through to some excellent results. Moreover though, with his speedy assimilation skills, he has a canny knack of being able to come up with the requirements of the business long before they do; this ability to know what do, when AND then how is something that is of extraordinary value to busy marketing departments. It is certainly true that running through Andy like Brighton through rock is always attention to detail, tenacity and enthusiasm and the big bonus is that he’s great fun too.’

Anthony Hyde – Global Audience Marketing Manager, Xerox PSG

‘I worked with Andy at Interfocus and Mr Smith, when I was an account director and he was my line manager. Andy has a number of strengths, but what makes him a good manager is his ability to create strong teams. He quickly spots the strengths of each individual and plays to them, making the sum of the parts much stronger as a cohesive team. The biggest weapon in his armoury though, is his ability to form strong and lasting relationships with people, both colleagues and clients alike. How? Well, he’s personable, well-informed, a master wordsmith, knows his marketing onions, can talk the hind leg off a donkey, and knows how to have a good laugh….but, the most important reason is that he genuinely cares. What drives him is doing the absolute best he can for others. He would protect and defend his team (where merited) but was also happy to go into battle with his own agency colleagues if necessary to ensure a client became a star in his own organisation by delivering the best, most effective campaign he could. Would I recommend working with Andy? Absolutely.’

Heather Morgan – Marketing Manager, Telefonica Global Solutions (ex-Interfocus/Mr Smth, Mr Smith, Spearhead, Wunderman)

‘Andy is a fantastic mentor, strategist and suit. His genuine passion and enthusiasm for the job, combined with his old school mentality of ‘getting things done properly’ make for a perfect combination. To top it all off he is a really lovely guy and an absolute pleasure to do business with. You certainly can’t go wrong in choosing to work with Mr Tyne.’

Kate Ward – Global Head of CRM at Clearscore (ex-Head of CRM at Tesco, Ogilvy One, Rapier, Hurricane, Interfocus)

‘Andy joined the CPM Nissan GB team at a vital time. His reputation preceeded him and he brought energy and insight to the role. An absolute pleasure to work with and I would highly recommend him to any business for his marketing knowledge and approach.’

Derek Lynch – Business Development Manager, ARI UK (ex-Daimler AG, CPM UK, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles, Leaseplan UK)

‘Andy was a great asset to agency and client alike. He engendered huge loyalty from his client contacts throughout the often difficult transition of the agency and always put the needs of his team above his own. He is passionate about what he does and hugely commercially focused. A senior and professional operator, and a genuine and trustworthy fella’

Marc Rigby – Managing Director, Multi Resource Marketing (ex-Saatchi & Saatchi, Interfocus/Mr Smith, Spearhead, Billington Cartmell)

‘You’ll kick yourself when Mr Tyne make a difference to the agency you’re pitching against’

Andy Ray – Executive Creative Director, Tidalwave (ex-Saatchi & Saatchi, Joshua, FCB, KLD, Mr Smith)

‘Andy – a pleasure! A strategic thinker, with the ability to distil complex problems down into realistic solutions. His understanding of our industry, client business and the correct place for darn good copy made him someone I admired and learned from whilst we worked together. Loved by colleagues and clients alike, with superbly entertaining wit and banter. I would recommend Andy as a seasoned professional, with the potential to make your life truly a little bit better every day’

Carla Ryan-Griffiths – Multi Media Manager at Hertfordshire County Council (ex-Account Director HPS Group, SPS Advertising)

‘Andy was all that you wanted from a GAD; great with clients; great with his own team; always looking for ways to develop business; and a great character to have around. His combination of skills in client servicing and his time as a copywriter are a real reason to recommend him’

Stuart Leach – Head of Litigation and Disputes at Monfort Communications (ex-Deputy Managing Director McCann, Strategy Director Interfocus, CEO Mr Smith)

‘I worked for Andy at the start of my agency career, and he gave me such a great grounding in the art of communication that I still use him as a ‘sounding board’, even though I’ve long since moved to the client side. He has really helped me get where I am today. Furthermore he is genuinely one of the nicest people I have ever worked with – which is a rarity in the sometimes superficial world of marketing/advertising.’

Robin Hill – Head of Traffic, In-House Studio, Barclays Bank (ex-Campaign Manager, UKRB Marketing, Barclays Bank; Grange Advertising, Interfocus)

‘We had the chance to pitch for a new account – Andy took the information they had supplied, read it, understood it, and then sent us back to us a creative brief we could really get our teeth into. We then went on to win the work with some further creative input from Andy. In short he gave us the tools to be confident in our pitch. Andy is an honest, hardworking and creative person. I’ve found only one fault, he supports QPR (nobody’s perfect).’

Steve Liddle – Managing Director, Mousetrap