The RGT Consulting blog

Content planning – Blogging or blagging?

It’s becoming quite fashionable for senior members of staff to write a blog – to show that they’re in touch with the corporate community, that they’re open and responsive and that they’re a thoroughly decent human being. It’s a great idea.

It also goes down well with customers.

But there is a catch.

It’s not always easy to maintain. Writing copy takes time and these are (by definition) busy executives. And it’s pretty difficult not to stray into the slightly contrived PR-speak either. And it has to kept up-to-date, or it just looks like a stunt.

So how do you make sure it works?

Simple, you use a ‘ghost-writer’ – a freelance copywriter who knows how to write ‘stream-of-consciousness’ and who’s comfortable enough to ‘be you’. Have an agenda, brief them well and let them pick your brains. Sure it will mean you have to spend some time with them – but it’s far easier than trying to write something yourself.