The RGT Consulting blog

Clarity is KING

What are ‘innovative solutions’?

The English language is a wonderful and remarkably flexible tool, it’s just a shame that some people choose not to take advantage of the opportunities it presents.

The biggest crime (in my book at least) is marketing-speak, of which ‘innovative solutions’ is a prime (and depressingly familiar) example.

It’s everything language shouldn’t be – hackneyed, vague and fundamentally dull. Why resort to clumsy industry jargon because everybody else does?

Wouldn’t it be far more interesting to say something like, ‘…we’ve found a really elegant and cost-effective way to do things’?

That sounds better, doesn’t it? Everybody looks for a point of difference from their competitors – and ‘clarity’ is a great starting point.

We like to communicate with warmth, respect, intelligence and charm. So if you want your audience to understand you could consider giving me a call.